Photo Challenge - Solitude

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sleeping in Solitude...

That's the Sleeping Indian - a mountain in Wyoming. It resembles an Indian chief attired in a feather headdress, stretched out on his back.  Amazing sight!

For more photos on this topic, visit mountaingirl's blog.


Rainbow dreams said...

wow so it does! :) how lovely..and cold looking too!

XOXO said...

Yea, Katie, it's awesome!
And it is cold, a lot of snow.

Here the Indian's feathers, nose aren't so pronounced because of the snow. But it looks more realistic in other pictures. For instance, in this one:

diver said...

I've looked at this a coupla times. It really is quite incredible!

XOXO said...

Absolutely, diver. I think there are lots of such wonderings in the whole world. We just don't know about most of them.