Thursday, January 22, 2009

Silence is the true friend that never betrays.


diver said...

Good one XOXO. Many have contemplated it. My personal favourite comes from Sai Baba who wrote, 'Before you speak, ask yourself, is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, and does it improve on the silence.'

I have that quote taped to my computer monitor. I look at it sometimes ... then delete the blog post I am working on (lol).

XOXO said...


Frankly being, the quote you've written is nicer than this one. Really good, diver.
Sometimes it is so difficult to shut up and just stay taciturn and patiently listen...
Deleting the post you've worked on is also an EXTREMELY difficult step to make... lol

Khaled KEM said...

Very nice quote. You could check my blog for more quotes.tell me wht do you think?