What a shukar* word... and world!
Especially for guys!
A little bird told me that almost every man dreams of having sex with a virgin. To conquer not merely the virgin's innocent heart, but also her “tightly closed door” means to be a real warrior... One who is very, very courageous when it comes to sex. So, appreciate, ladies, those men who had sex with virgins! Not all are so lucky!
They are a few ... You can count them by using your 20 fingers... And the bad news is that soon will disappear at all... They will have to be registered in the “Red Book” ... As well as virgins...
Nowadays virginity is something special, an extraordinary phenomena which is a very rare treasure among young people... But not in Gypsies' families...
Gypsies approach this matter with gravity... According to their traditions, a girl MUST be a virgin until the wedding night. She has to bid farewell to the “magic sheath” amid the wedding party.
Whereas your guests savor the taste of popping black Caviars and drink expensive vodka, the bride and her future husband leave and guess, what do they do?
Oh yes!!! “Dinga-dinga!” They make love.
Needless to mention: on a white blanket or piece of fabric. What for? Shame on you! Of course! To display that piece of sheet adorned with an enticing spot of blood to all wedding guests.
Hip-hip hurrah! The bride was a virgin! Hai, Romale! The bride was a virgin! Here is the proof! Respect and dowry to the bridal couple!
The fiesta continues... while the joyful match maker dances with that piece of sheet all night long!
One more thing to mention. If the budding husband is not capable to do “that”... Well, there are many reasons why he couldn't (exhaustion because of too much dancing or vodka, emotions... her first sexual experience, after all)... Eccola!- the match maker interferes... Usually the match maker is an old woman who wears a few bright petticoats, tones of gold on fingers (don't know about the toes) and some rows of red colored necklaces around the neck...
Match Maker Rescues Rangers!
So, if the man can't assume the responsibility to “love” his woman, the match maker performs it instead of his “flaccid” tool. How does she do that? No idea... Maybe with her finger or with a super-duper elaborate vibrator... Well, I don't really know the concrete techniques but THE SPOT HAS TO BE ON THE FABRIC!!! By all means...
Now I am thinking... As I know, many girls don't bleed when they lose virginity. What's happening then? Will the guests believe the match maker and poor innocent wife?
It remains for me to add that I would never like to have sex with a wrinkled finger of an old woman! (that's in case I marry a Gypsy or restore my virginity!)
shukar*- The word comes from Gypsy language and it generally means cool, beautiful, nice, etc.