An Ordinary Day of a Man...

Thursday, December 11, 2008


AngeL BeaR said...

well everything is almost the same in my man's everyday life except the durex part *laughs*

ClaudelGFX said...

i'm proud to say you didn't mention any, none! any of the things i do use during any given day, not even the durex "part":)

i'll give yea an idea how my day "would" be like

7:00-9:00| ZzzZzz
9:00-10:00| Coffe + Ciggs + Music + E-mails = breakfast
10:00-12:00| Watchin Latest Fav TvShows
12:00-13:00| Pizza + Energy drinks @ TV
13:00-16:00| Coca-Cola + Design stuff
16:00-19:00| Playing MMO + FPS's
19:00-21:00| Cooking dinner for my <3
21:00-1:00| Movies + No condoms \ No pills
1:00-3:00| Music + Poetry
3:00-5:00| Social Media + Blogging
4:00-9:00| ZZzzZzzz

or something similar :D

ClaudelGFX said...

okok you did cola :)) but i don't drink ness just natural coffe :))

XOXO said...

wow, Claudel! That means you are a special Martian.

2 hours spent in the kitchen... that's amazing! I guess you are a very talented cook. And for good reason they say men who prepare delicious food are very, very appreciated among women.

21:00-1:00| Movies + No condoms \ No pills
I like the liaison! What movies do you watch?

In comparison with you I sleep 8 hours . That's a rule. :)
However, your ordinary day has some ginger ;).

I like the part from 1:00-3:00| Music + Poetry. Hope you have some of your poems in the blog ...

Unknown said...

now THAT is cleaver :-)