The Story of the Vivid Butterfly...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

or Happiness Depends on Us ...

Once upon a time there was a widower who had 2 daughters. Both ladies were very intelligent and inquisitive. They used to pose lots of questions to their father... The man always tried to come with reliable answers, explanations, facts and examples... However, there were so many things he didn't know...

Being a responsible and lovely father the man decided to offer his daughters the best education values.

Thus, one fine day, he sent his curious girls to one of his friends who was a very wise person. A kind of Osho - one who was capable to give an answer to every question and to the most complicated puzzles. He was a walking encyclopedia.

One sunny day when both ladies were wandering around the blossomed orchard one of the girls caught a beautiful butterfly. She decided to use it for fooling the wise man.

- What are you going to do with it? - asked her sister.

- I will hide the butterfly in my hands. Then I will ask the man whether the insect is alive or dead. If he says that it's dead, I'll open my hands and Voila!- the playful butterfly. I'll let it fly away.
If he says it's alive I will simply squeeze and squash the insect. Haa! This time we will deceive him! Got you!

So said, so done. Ladies came closer to the mild man who was meditating at that moment.

- Here I have a vivid butterfly. Tell me, wise man, is it dead or alive?

Peaceful and serene the wise man smiled at his little "interviewer" and said:

- It depends on you... It's in your hands...

This story deals with our present and future, too. We are the only one who are in charge of our decisions and further steps. Our life is in our hands. Like the vivid butterfly. What are you going to do with it?! - that depends only on you!

La Fin.


diver said...

That's a clever parable xoxo. Is it a true tale from your life or a sort of fairy tale?

XOXO said...

It's a sort of fairy tale... I like it.

erinwho? said...

It's a great story.
"Life is in your hands'