Coffee Relaxes... But not Now and Here!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Coffee... Hmmm, dellllllicious! I go gaga over its inviting smell...

Coffee in the morning... Kisses in the night...

This year my sister went on a vacation in Kenya, Africa.

When she came back she brought souvenirs and cute knickknacks for our family... I was gifted with:

  • a superbly crafted wooden statue of a Maasai man;

  • a safari-styled bandanna. Frankly being, the design met my taste... It reminded me of tigers, hot sand, savage... I’ve tried to put it on… But nope! It didn’t work! My first thought: “Wow! That’s so original! Should be a special way to be worn!” In fact the African capillary adornment turned out to be XXS for me (it was sewed for the little head of a 6-year girl)...

  • banana tee;

  • Ohhh! I can't refrain from mentioning at least some words about a pair of local handmade peep-toe sandals. And here again! Fiasco! One sandal was lighter than the other... Thus my sister separated 2 sandals in love forever, ever... One is in Europe and the other in Africa... 2 broken hearts! What a pity!

  • vanilla coffee...

African gifts impressed me a lot! Especially the headband and the twosome of sandals perfect for those who suffer from color blindness. The best mark was given to the local Kenyan coffee... It was fantastic! Vanilla... Sweet, warm, soft ...

That was an intro to the following “clever” test... dedicated to all you and especially to one of my anonymous visitor…

So, here you see many, many coffee beans. Some are darker... Others are lighter... Some are smooth... Others depict irregular shapes...

Now POZOR!!! There is a curious head of a man among these dandy beans... What is it doing here? – No idea!

Your task?! - Find it...

If you’ll find it in 3 seconds, tam-tadam-dam! The right hemisphere of your brain is very, very developed.

Your right brain is developed normally if you'll find that bold head in a minute.

Hmmm... poor, we, who need 1-3 minutes to locate that hidden “spot”! Our (including mine) right hemisphere reacts slowly... Scientists recommend us to eat more proteins. (I'll cry three days because of this finding, for sure! Not so long ago I was a genius!!!)

The good news is that there are brains that need more than 3 minutes to find the man's head or can’t find it at all... Ohhhh! A catastrophe! If your brain belongs to this category, you act like a three-toed sloth, a creeper, maximum like a turtle... Here proteins are inevitable... Or maybe you should buy a higher quality pair of glasses?! Clean them better!

What now? Any changes? Any heads? Don’t say you see 2 of them!


PS. I am drinking coffee... Just to relax...


Anonymous said...

ha ha, it took me six seconds.

About those sandals : may I ask which European country has your sandal?

XOXO said...

OH! Genius!
You want me to take off another veil...

ok, 1:0
Distant Russia...

Marshmallow26 said...

It took me zero seconds because I have seen this pic 4 years ago when it took me few seconds to find :D